The Code of Silence is Broken…
The Veil of Mystery is Lifted…
Now-DOJO Press Presents-Ashida Kim in Action!
Ashida Kim, his very name sparks controversy! He has been called variously a fake, fraud, a teacher, friend and mentor, a “loose cannon,” even the "last Ninja" after the other masters of the "Ninja craze" have all fallen away, or died or been discredited. [How Ashida Kim Got His NAME]
Despite being "exposed" many times, his life remains a secret. His revelations that Ninjitsu was not just traditional Karate in a black Ghi, but rather a series of military techniques based on espionage and dirty tricks made him an enemy of the commercial martial arts market.
Recent research, however, has proven that he was correct in all that he said.
The legend has always been that Ashida Kim, using another name, went to Chicago in 1968 to work with a biker gang who were providing “security” for the protesters at the Democratic National Convention. And, that while there he learned KATA DANTE-Dance of the Deadly Hands, the most savage and terrifying self-defense form known to man in a secret Dojo. Although there are those born long after these events who dispute this story, two of the founding members of the original Black Dragon Fighting Society,
Grandmaster Doug Dwyer and
Grandmaster Lawrence Day, who were part of Count Dante's official cadre at the time, confirm that he was there.
That experience made it possible for him to study Art of Invisibility and the SLEEPERHOLD Ninjitsu. In 1980 he published his first instructional manual on the Silent Way, Secrets of the Ninja. It was an instant success and is still being sold illegally all over the world. It is used as a training manual for several covert military units. Secrets of Invisibility, Ninja Mind Control, and Hands of Death soon followed.
He was invited to travel and tour
South Africa in 1989, Italy, Germany, and Australia. He wrote eight more books for his first publisher. Until he discovered they were selling cheap "knock-off" editions and giving all those royalties to a crooked "literary agent." Also, evidence was produced showing that overseas royalties were not being paid to him and several other authors. So, he broke with them and signed with a New York firm. All rights reverted to Kim once his contract was voided. He wrote three more books for them before discovering that the same "literary agent" was listed as the author of all of his books and was receiving royaties from their sales under "secondary rights." When he began to question this procedure, he was told it was an "accounting device to make sure the money went to the right person." But, it wasn't going to Kim.
Shortly after that the second publisher went bankrupt. Per his contract, all rights to all his books should once again revert to Ashida Kim. Instead he got a letter saying "that clause was unenforceable" and all his money was now going to a third publisher with whom he had no contractual agreement whatsoever. They have continued to sell Master Kim's books and keep all the money for themselves, included the rights for even more of their cronies to publish his books under their banner by again selling "secondary rights" to which they are not entitled as a third party inheritor of "secondary publishing rights" themselves. will not even let Sensei Kim advertise his official, updated and revised edition of Secrets of the Ninja [DON'T BUY THIS BOOK!] online because there are too many other versions of it already. In this way, and many others, including "file-sharing" sites that give away free copies of his books and "online pubiishers" who sell PDF copies, have his books have been pirated for selfish profit and gain, making many of the undeserving very rich. For this reason,
DOJO Press is the ONLY legitimate distributor of Ashida Kim Books and DVDs.
In September 2007 a lawsuit was initiated against Kim-Sensei and four others in Federal Court, alleging copyright infringement for publishing his presentation of techniques he had learned from Count Dante. The complaint was dismissed eight months later for lack of jurisdiction. In making his ruling the judge cited exactly the points Kim-Sensei had always maintained. To wit, you cannot copyright an exercise. You can copyright a particular performance of an exercise, but Plaintiff had failed to demonstrate ownership even of that. Furthermore, that since none of the original pictures or descriptions had been used, no infringement had or could have taken place. And, that all the contested pictures and descriptions of the infamous Chicago martial artist in question were excluded from any copyright action under the Fair Use Doctrine of the Code. In October 2008 Kim-Sensei was invited to attend a formal Black Dragon Fighting Society training and graduation Gathering in Ft. Walton Beach FL by the true grandmasters of that martial arts fraternity, where he was welcome and reunited with many old friends and teachers.
Bullshido, an early internet trash and bash blog who spent a great deal of time and energy trying to discredit Ashida Kim and actually made their reputation attacking Kim and anyone who defended him or was in any way associated with him to drive them off, who witnessed and chronicled every step of the process, came to realize from the inappropriate behavior of the plaintiffs and the rulings of the court that they were wrong about Kim-Sensei and many others they had defamed all along and have now virtually gone out of business. The “owner” of the site finally posted that “Ashida Kim is just a guy who loves martial arts and wants to share.” High praise indeed.
"There is no greater victory than for your enemy to realize he has misjudged you" and cease hostilities without having to hurt him. For then, he stands on the threshold of truth; about himself, about the world, about the universe. And so do you.
But, like Frank Dux, Ron Duncan, and Robert Bussey, Ashida Kim and many others have been lied about, cheated, robbed, and wrongly accused by internet trolls and self-appointed critics, most of whom are so fat they can't even see their own feet, and "frozen out of the marketplace" by the unfair and illegal business practices of jealous rivals.
Even the YouTube clips used on this page are not immune from the "double standard." YouTube has a policy, if your clip draws a lot of "hits" they want to use it to sell advertising on it. Maybe a 30 second commercial that runs before your post, maybe a small banner on the lower screen that can be clicked if interested. Of course, this is how they make money. But, since it is your clip, they are willing to give you a small percentage. $300 every time your post gets 10,000 hits. Dana Stamos of says she knows several martial artists that are on this program. Of course, the big money makers are the music video sites.
Master Kim signed up for this plan in 2008. Many of his YouTube appearances and posts have long ago and many times exceeded the required number of "views" to qualify for a payment. But, none has been forthcoming. When questioned about these missing royalties, YouTube first claimed that, "It isn't the first 10,000 hits, it's for every 10,000 over that." After that, all inquires were simply ignored.
Thus leading to the conclusion that, as Mafia accountant Meyer Lansky once said about himself, "Everyone wants to do business with Ashida Kim, because all his partners make money." Unfortunately, not being honorable men, they do not know how to share or live up to their contractual obligations. In spite of which...
For everyone who criticizes or tries to bring him down, out of jealousy, there are a dozen who impersonate him online and use his name to sell shabby martial arts equipment and run phony charities. On FACEBOOK in 2014 there was a page called "Ashida Kim is a True Ninja Master." Drew in a lot of people, had to "join the group" even though it was "open." It was essentially a bunch of advertisements for a Pakistani Karate Store. BUT, between the ads there were Charity PayPal sites with pictures of various martial artists saying that "Master such-and-so was terminally ill," and would we please donate to help with his medical bills, Pay Here. All of this is in violation of the website's Terms of Service. But, when it was reported, FACEBOOK administrators first replied with "auto-responders," saying they had looked at the page and it did not violate their TOS. And, that other pages using the copyrighted Ashida Kim name that posted photoshopped pictures of him engaging in homosexual activity or the one with spooky faces were just "someone with the same name." After a maze of e-mails, a live "tech support" person was finally contacted. It took three months of daily e-mails to have the bogus pages removed. When new ones popped up, almost immediately, and were reported, the "techie" changed his response name to "Noah" because a movie by that name had just been released, and started all over with the same excuses as if he had never heard of this problem before. When it was demonstrated to him that this ploy was not going to work, he relented and admitted he was deliberately making the process difficult.
In the movie Social Media one of the revelations is that FACEBOOK was created by a college student who wanted to go online and trash girls who wouldn't date him. It is a den of cyber-bullies. There have been MANY incidents where people who couldn't stand up for themselves have been driven to suicide by the constant harassment and slander they receive on FACEBOOK. It could easily be stopped, but it isn't. And, for complaining about these things and asking the administrators to remove bogus pages using his name to sell overseas martial arts equipment and host fraudulent charities for martial artists who were NOT dying of teminal illnesses,
Black Dragon Fighting Society Grandmaster Ashida Kim, with more than forty years of martial arts experience dealing with bullies, was forever banned from FACEBOOK. As far as we know, the he is ONLY person to hold that distinction. For these reasons, Ashida Kim does not participate in "social media."
Whether you like him or not, Ashida Kim remains the most prolific and best selling author of martial arts books of the 20th and 21st century. No one else teaches you how to sneak up on your enemy and strike them down from behind without warning; no one else tells you to
throw sand in the enemy's face to temporarily blind him so you can run away and how to
fight in total darkness; no one else shows you "hard style"
Iron Body training; no one else puts his hand into a steel trap to demonstrate the
Iron Hand of the Ninja; no one else teaches you the
secrets of good health and longevity in addition to the martial arts; no one else includes
Healing Hands as part of the Hands of Death.
Ninja are supposed to be masters of weaponry like the
Sword of Darkness, but only Ashida Kim has shown you how to fight with the Cloak and Dagger. Ninja are supposed to be masters of disguise but only Ashida Kim has explained the
Demon Masks of the Ninja. Ninja are supposed to be masters of magic, but only Ashida Kim has shown you
Ninja Levitation/Sleight of Hand and the
Invisible Tattoo of the Ninja.
Some internet trolls and self-appointed critics, most of whom are too fat to see their own feet, have said:
“Ashida Kim will never take off his mask because he is a fake and a coward…” Now you can see and decide for yourself...
Ashida Kim UNMASKED the DVD!
*KATA DANTE-The Most Savage and Terrifying Self-Defense Form Known to Man!
*Interview on Good Morning Australia
*Appearance on Late Night Live, South Africa
*Full Contact, No-Holds-Barred Martialmania Match with Middleweight Champion Phil Tempel
*Training and Graduation of the Black Dragon Society
1 hr Color DVD-NTSC $29.95

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