Whenever a Ninja of feudal Japan went on a Mission and returned safely,
it was customary for him to make a report to the elders of the tribe so
that they might evaluate what he had learned and gather intelligence
about things outside the tribal domain.
Many times this was done by
reciting the events in one long verbal de-briefing session. Either to
a designated Chunin, or middle level agent. Or, to the Grand Mute.
This was usually a statue where a sentry would be positioned behind or
nearby to overhear the report spoken to the stone face. Or, a masked
figure who did not speak, so that no one knew for sure to whom the
report was made. This was part of the security of the clans so that
the real leaders of the Ninja were not known even to their most loyal
followers. That way they could not be betrayed even under torture.
The following activity report was made verbally to the Grand Mute
upon Kim-Sensei’s return from Ft. Walton Beach and was de-classified on 12 October 2010
for publication and distribution among our martial arts fellowship. Please note that the
date of this meeting, October 10, 2010; 10-10-10, is a unique numerical sequence.
It is the tenth day of the tenth month of the tenth year. The twelfth year in this sequence will be
the Year of the Dragon.
0830-10 October 2010-Saturday
Training seminars are offered all over and many look into every means in order to afford
attending these seminars, saving year-round, tips, and many
other ways as well. The doors opened and registration began for the training seminar of
Grandmaster Stoffel van Vuuren of South Africa who was hosted by the Emerald Coast Dojo of
Shotokan Master Joe Cayer, Ft. Walton Beach FL.

As Black Dragon Fighting Society International Grandmaster, he often makes such tours to
affiliate Dojo to grade students and present new techniques for addition to the training
syllabus. He is recognized by the South African government as a fully accredited Professor
of Martial Arts and Science. Soke van Vuuren is a 10th Dan Ninjitsu, 6th Dan Ju-Jitsu, 1st
Dan Atemi Jitsu, 10th Dan JKA Shotokan, Master Instructor Level Yang Tai Chi Chuan and Guru
Kali/Escrima, 5th Degree Yamaguchi Karate - India as well as 5th Degree Shaolin Temple
Master. He is a well known Martial Artist of long standing with 34 years of experience,
trained in Rising Sun, Shotokan, South African Jujitsu, Atemi-jitsu and Ninjitsu. Soke
Stoffel van Vuuren, Prof, Ph'D, D.Sc. is the Regional Director of AFMA in South Africa and
is listed in the Hall of Fame 2001 AFMA.Shidoshi van Vuuren has trained with Grandmaster
Shihan Barry Pictor and Soke Ashida Kim, Master Johan Gerber, Master Ken Wittstock, and
Master Stan Smith.
"Emerald Coast Martial Arts of Ft. Walton Beach, located in the Florida panhandle is a
traditional, no nonsense, private dojo nestled in between Destin and Pensacola, FL-home to
the sugar white sands along the Emerald Coast! We offer Shotokan Karate Do, Police Street
Tactical Instruction, Iai Do, Kubodo and Women's Advanced Street Tactics Courses. All
courses taught by Grand Master Joe Cayer, 8th Dan. We are also in affiliation with the
International Fighting Arts Association and Official Black Dragon Fighting Society."

"Teaching conformity in society to a new student is minimum wage. Your wisdom is not
exercised in this manner. Direct your focus. Review your Mindset. You must lead the ones
that will follow. Feed the ones that will eat. Rise up the ones that will rise to all
occasions. So that one day your influence on this one student is compounded and your
name is whispered in reverence not jest. For one day the student will also become the
teacher. Your actions and the result of your actions are seeds. Will your seeds grow
prosperity and integrity or will they manifest a liability to society? Reflect now on your
teachings. Teach-adjust-grow-teach again. Oss!"
The class began with introductions of the attending Grandmsters and a brief overview of the
material that would be covered over the course of the next two days. Sensei van Vuuren
warned them all that, "We train a bit harder in South Africa because of the history and
traditions of our country and the strong influence of the martial arts that came and
developed there. In our schools, many times, if there is not blood on the floor it was not
a good class. So, if you get injured or bruised, know that it is in the spirit of good
fellowship and serious training for real life."

Grandmaster Stoffel van Vuuren instructing in technique and supervising
To paraphrase one participant, "Soke van Vurren is a great instructor! I love the
intensity and the quality of the material. As a matter of fact when he and I talked briefly
and I introduced myself as a Ninjitsu practitioner he immediately took me over and
presented me with a Koga patch and told me to place it on my uniform and I will be honored
to do so! It was another one of the great moments of the weekend. My friend and student
Tony also had such a great time we will be bringing that passion to our own dojo this week!"

Practicing "Escape from Knife Against the Throat from Behind"
The training went on until well past noon. No one wanted to stop for lunch because they
were having too much fun. But, an hour break was called to give everyone a chance to
recuperate and rehydrate before the second half of the day.
Grandmaster John Enger from Shinja Martial Arts University was also in attendance.
Meeting and speaking with visiting Sensei, some of whom had traveled twenty hours to take
part in this event.

Sensei Enger is a licensed Private Investigator in the State of Florida. He is a
Certified Instructor in the "Defender" self-defense tool developed by Master Peter Brusso.
He is also ranked as a 1st Degree Black Belt in IPP Krav Maga/Certified Instructor
-Level 2 under Master Alberto Merlo. He is Certified as a FORSVAR Defense System
Instructor, Mizu No KoKoro Passive Defense System Instructor and Tactical Baton
Instructor under Master Fernan Vargas. He began his martial arts training in Minneapolis,
MN at the age of 15 under 1st degree black belt, Tom Simons (Tae Kwon Do). He
later became a police officer for the University of Minnesota Police Department for a
period of 22 years, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
By now everyone was relaxed and comfortable with the presentation method and the drills.
The afternoon class was even smoother and covered even more material than had been planned
because of the great rapport and synergy among the students. Each was able to train with a
variety of partners, each had a turn as Uke and Tori, each received personal instruction
from the Grandmaster as he shared his great knowledge with them. The day ended with the
presentation of awards and promotion certificates by Grandmaster John Enger and Professor
van Vuuren to those who had demonstrated outstanding skill and ability in promoting and
practicing the martial arts.

Master Joe Cayer and Hanshi Frank Dux receiving full university degrees in martial
science sanctioned by the South African government
After class everyone was invited to Sensei Cayer's home, for bar-b-que prepared by our
Lexington KY affiliate members, who journey at their own expense each year down the long
Copperhead Road to provide this service for our brotherhood. A live band entertained the
assembled crew into the night. But, no one stayed too late, because another day of training
lay ahead.
0900– 11 October 2010- Sunday
The second day of training dealt with pressure points and the application of Chi, the
vital life-force. Grandmaster van Vuuren, having trained extensively in Japan and China in
these arts, and holding a Doctorate in Alternative Medicine is one of the few people in the
world qualified to speak on and demonstrate this subject by which an opponent can be
rendered unconcious with mere fingertip pressure. One volunteer collapsed entirely and had
to be resuscitated using energy therapy and Chi Kung techniques ancient thousands of years
ago, known only to a few, that are capable of such restorative powers.

Demonstrating and practicing the Mandible Claw Technique
In Judo such techniques are called Kappo and are intended for use when an opponent has
been choked out or strangled. This was a much higher level of Dim Mak, the forbidden
delayed death touch of martial arts legend. Volunteers must be strong and fit. No prior
medical conditions such as high blood pressure or heart condition, no one on medication or
subject to seizures. Once he had passed out he was so relaxed it took three people to sit
him upright. They crossed his legs to bring the blood flow back to his vital organs as
Grandmaster van Vuuren administered the antidote, striking softly and pressing on several
secret acupuncture points before the volunteer began to breathe again. His jaw was slack
and his eyes were blood red. Slowly, with great care, he was revived, helped to stand, and
"swept" of the energy that had knocked him out. In a few minutes, he was well and clear
headed, suffering no ill effects. One witness to these events remarked that he had been to
a thousand seminars and he had never seen anything like that.

Soke van Vuuren demostrating the cultivation of Chi

Grandmaster Lawrence Day and Shihan Ernie Reynolds observing the activities
The class concluded with a question and answer period. Then adjourned for pictures and
autographs. There were many Grandmasters and Masters present at this Gathering. Not only
for the training and fellowship, but also for the annual meeting of the Council of Elders,
where we discuss our plans and operations for the coming year. These consultations are, of
course, "sub-rosa."
There is a great deal of controversy associated with our fraternal order. Mostly
fabricated by lesser men who are jealous of our fellowship and camraderie. Some say it is a
brutal street gang. Others harken back to the Japanese and Chinese heritage of our most
ancient and honorable Order of Brotherhood.

This year we gathered to hear the true history and lineage from one who was there and
lived it all. Grandmaster Lawrence Day shared with us the true history of the American
Black Dragon Fighting Society. How John Keehan and Doug Dwyer had trained together with
Robert Trias, the father of American Karate. How they had promoted the martial arts in the
mid-West and sponsored some of the first tournaments ever held on US soil. How they had
broken away from Trias and formed the World Karate Federation. How John became associated
with Senzo Tanaka and formed the American Black Dragon Fighting Society. How he changed his
name and became Count Dante and sold the World's Deadliest Fighting Secrets through comic
book ads. How Dante had written a letter that made Frank Dux eligible to participate in the
Kumite and become the first American ever to win the event. He is one of the few left who
know the truth of those early days of martial arts in America, and he told it to us. So,
that we would remember and tell those who come after. And, light the lamps of the temple so
they may find their way.
There are many grandmasters among us from many styles and all over the world and a few
who are respected as patriarchs and heads of their own martial arts families. But
Grandmaster Day is the heart of our brotherhood. It is his call that brings us together,
to meet in fellowship and share what we have learned, so that all may benefit by it.