How America Lost the War on Terror
was Sold Out and Conquered
On September 11, 2001, America was attacked. Two airliners, full of people, were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city. We watched as they burned and collapsed, killing 3000 innocent people and leaving a scar on the face of the city that would not be filled for more than ten years. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon, yet another was brought down by passengers before it could reach its target.
President Bush declared that we would find the people who did this and punish them. A special team of elite military operatives were sent to Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Laden, who had bragged he was the perpetrator of this hideous plot, laughing that many of the men he had sent to their deaths "did not know it was a martyrdom mission." Our soldiers had him surrounded, intercepted radio messages indicated we had almost killed him with gunfire. Then, our Afghan "allies" turned against us and held our men at gunpoint until bin Laden could escape. All documented in the motion picture "12 Strong"
It would be ten years before we were able to track him down and kill him. "Zero Dark Thirty"
In that time, were forbidden to blame the terrorists, forbidden to expose their sabotage, forbidden to fight back in any way. We "elected" a Muslim preident who was sworn in as a Senator on the Koran, not the traditional Bible. Under cover of darkenss he smuggled thousands of Somali pirates into Islip, NJ; gave them fake documentation and bussed them to Detroit where they "elected" Ilhan Omar to the Senate; a Somali "refugee" who married her brother to get into the country and is not even a citizen. By these means, and others, the elections became a farce.

After the death of bin Laden, the "war on terror" was officially over. But, even before that, the occupation of America had begun. "They all came to feed on the great elephant that could not be brought down by normal men."
"Refugees" from South America swarmed over the border. The Border Patrol was out gunned and out manned. But, instead of supporting them, the Federal "government" instituted the "catch and release" strategy that allowed them to cross the border illegally and stay in the country illegally "until their case" for asylum could be heard, which might take years. At one point these "migrants" demanded buses so they didn't have to walk the 1200 miles to America.
Guatamala, Nicarauga, all of South America, sent their sick, poor, illiterate, mental patients and criminals to invade us. It was five years before someone pointed out that there were no women and children among these hordes, ONLY young men of fighting age. Many terrorists from other countries also infiltrated this way. When this discrepancy was discovered, they sent their women and children to play on our sympathy and tax our welfare system even more. The same "invasion by migration" was done in Europe, flooding Germany and France with rape gangs and terrorists, who were welcomed by the tyrants in power because it meant their own people would be victimized and could be manipulated by fear into accepting more and more restrictive laws.
Every wildfire, every train wreck, every mass shooting, is an act of terror perperated by the monsters who enslave the world, the tyrants who control our every thought, word and deed, who see their People as less than ants, who should be mindless, sexless automatons for their pleasure and service.
The Final Coup
The final step in the installation of global government was January 6th. The Establishment (you can call them whatever you want, Illuminati, Burgerbilders, New World Order, the Five Families, they go by many names) underestimated Donald Trump when he ran for president in 2016. Like all tyrants, they became so arrogant that they thought the stupid "sheeple" of America would do what they were told and elect the "first woman president." But, they didn't.
Instead, they elected a "strong horse," a leader, who proved that a businessman could run the country better than all the politicians had.
So, the made up a lie that Trump was "colluding" with Russia. The Steele Dossier, fabricated by a retired British spy and paid for by Hilary Clinton, was used to obtain secret warrants so the FBI could wiretap the president and treat him as if he were a traitor. Obama had long since weaponized the Justice Department and the IRS into his own Secret Police to hound and harass his enemies.
They, the Big THEM, made it as difficult as possible for Trump to accomplish anything. And, when the 2020 election was held they cheated so hard it was obvious, to win at any cost. When Trump had a rally 70,000 people showed up every time. When Biden had a rally, there were four cars. But the Fake News Media wants you to believe that Biden got more votes than Trump! Biden didn't even campaign! He hid is DC with his pervert buddies and his crackhead son, and now is carrying out Obama's agenda to destroy our nation.
Then, to stifle any future dissent, THEY accused Trump of insurrection for trying to stop them from stealing the election on January 6th. What actually happened was that Secret Service Agent Robert Engel KIDNAPPED the President of the United States and HELD HIM HOSTAGE! Cassidy Hutchinson testified before the Jan. 6th committee that after President Trump spoke to the restricted crowd of his supporters, telling them that he “would be there with them,” he got into the Presidential limousine and told them to go to the capitol. Secret Service Agent Robert Engel told him, no. His excuse was, “it wouldn’t be safe.” According to Hutchinson, President Trump tried to grab the wheel and make the driver go where he had directed. Agent Engel put his hand on the President’s arm and told him to “let go of the wheel,” they were NOT going to the capitol. According to Hutchinson, Trump then lunged at Agent Engel with his free hand, which has been “stretched” by the news media into “tried to strangle him,” but was restrained and taken to back to the White House and held incommunicado so the planned “riot,” orchestrated by provocateurs planted in the crowd who were told when to start because then KNEW Trump wasn’t coming, could begin.
The Secret Service has denied all this and has said they will testify under oath that the “assault by President Trump on Agent Engel did not occur.” So, based on this sworn testimony, we now know that Agent Engel, defied the lawful orders of the sitting president, KIDNAPPED him and HELD HIM AGAINST HIS WILL in the White House, until the election could be officially stolen. Because they knew if the protesters found out he was being held incommunicado, they would storm the White House and rescue him.
Trump supporters were always disappointed that he had not gone to the capitol as he promised. Now we know that it was because Agent Engel, on his own “authority” or secret orders from the shadow government, virtually put a gun to his head, and abducted him. That is the kind of behavior one would expect from the Gestapo or the Stasi, not Americans. Agent Engel, regardless of his lame justification, should be tried for treason. But, that will never happen, because the game is rigged. Has been all along. We have proven that the FBI bugged candidate Trump’s office based on the bogus Steele Dossier paid for by Hilary, but nothing was ever done about that crime either.
This Kangaroo Court is just a big show to make sure no one outside the “political establishment” ever tries to save the nation again. It’s called INTIMIDATION, that is what tyrants do, get used to it. And, NOBODY is bringing up the kidnapping issue.
The Jan. 6th "committee" has said that because Trump did not go to the Capitol he caused the riot and insurrection. But, Cassidy Hutchinson testified that the Secret Service REFUSED to take him to the Capitol and held him incommunicado for three hours. So, how could he stop a riot, or lead one, if he was being held prisoner? No matter what he did or didn't do, he is condemned either way. That is the very definition of a political coup. Welcome to Communism...
In less than one year, Biden undid all that Trump had accomplished. We went from energy independent and respected to begging the world for baby food and oil. North Korea has threatened to use nuclear weapons against South Korea. Putin has warned that he will use nuclear weapons to defend the territories captured in his illegal war against Ukraine, in violation of a treaty the USA negotiated to disarm Ukraine, that allowed this to happen. Gas prices went up to $7 a gallon in some places because the pipelines and drilling that Trump allowed was halted. We "abandoned our allies" in Afghanistan, leaving behind millions of dollars worth of military equipment to be used against us.
But, most of the American people still think Trump was a bad president, and merrily follow Biden as if he gave a damn about any of them.
The Final Solution
No amount of proof is sufficient for those who refuse to see it. No amount of hope or faith or prayer will save them from the tyrants who have used the pandemic to "cull the population of the useless eaters (old people on pensions, cripples on welfare, political dissidents, or anyone else they deem unworthy) by forced "vaccinations." The worst crime against humanity ever perpetrated on the planet. Done by the corrupt United Nations through the World Health Organization. To whom Biden has given over American sovereignty by signing a treaty allowing them to "declare a pandemic any where, any time, and lockdown any area to prevent the spread." The New World Order, martial law, is now in place.
As soon as she made this statement, the propaganda machine began a campaign to discredit her. Her "crime" being that "she was not a true Christian" because she disagreed with some of the current doctrines of the church. Having an opinion is not a crime. Poisoning millions of people with bogus vaccines is.
Despite more and more people tuning it out, legacy media continues to spread hate and lies. The result is that our freedoms are being eroded, and traditional American values, like hard work, family, individual choice and the pursuit of happiness, are being lost. Here are some or the headlines that have come out about side effects of the "vaccines:"
Menstrual Irregularities After Vaccination 5/27/22
Side Effects on Pregnant Women 4/28/22
COVID Jab Affects DNA 6/121/22
Neurological Disorder Linked to Vaccine 6/12/22
Vaccine Increase Risk of Infection 6/21/22
Sudden Adult Death Sundrome 6/26/22;
COVID Treatable with Vitamin D 5/25/22
When the plague was released upon the planet by the Chinese, some thought of it as biological warfare. No, it was all part of the plan to install the global government. That is why all of the "investigations" have found nothing and why no accountability is require of them. Because the Establishment is all of these tyrants working together, against the People. They pretend to be angry with each other, they hold "negotiations" that are just an excuse to party because the outcome is already known, they are so arrogant that they brag about their crimes, an no one does anything to stop them.

Here is then Vice-President Biden telling how he forced the Ukraine to stop investigating his son. Now, as president, he has sent billions of dollars to Ukraine to help them in their war against Russia. But, not a nickel for Americans.
During the early days of Covid, Trump gave every American citizen $1000 four times to keep the economy from collapsing. Biden has given our oil to China and told us there is a "shortage" so we must pay more. Already the Congress has passed new laws and taxes on the rich, to keep anyone like Trump from ever daring to set foot in the political arena again. The government, under Biden, closed the only baby food factory in the country; creating another artificial shortage to raise the price. Biden's first slogan when he took office was, "shots in arms, shot in arms." He was supposedly double vaccinated and twice boosted, but tested positive for Covid in spite of all that. Then bragged about how he was stronger than Trump because Trump, as the sitting president, was taken to Walter Reed hospital when he tested positive. While he, Biden, stayed on the job and took a five day course of anti-biotics, that hadn't even been thought of when Trump was ill. And, Trump worked from the hospital, but that part is left out. Furthermore, Trump had the initial virus, which was much more virulent and deadly, while Biden had the BA-2 variant, which, after fifteen mutations, is much milder.
So, this is what you can look forward to:

"Everything other than work is forbidden. Walking in the streets, having fun, singing, dancing, getting together, everything is forbidden..." No dissent is tolerated, no thought, no word, no deed, is accomplished without approval. Long Live Big Brother!