Have Black Belt – Will Travel
In keeping with Operational Procedures, Yudansha International, no longer listed on the New York Stock Exchange, through its subsidiary Dojo, establishes this page for the listing of those who wish to submit their resumes for service in a classified ad format.
For security reasons and to prevent bogus posts, credentials should be sent to DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts
Applicants should be 18 years or older. 1st Degree Black Belt (Yudansha) level or above. And present copies of sufficient documentation to confirm age; rank; style (if any); sensei, military or professional experience; contact address; and services offered. (teaching, security, bodyguard, free-lance, medical, rescue, communications, etc.)
DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts will screen all applicants and post those deemed to be legitimate.
Ranks are considered to be of military equivalency. 1st Degree is equivalent to 2nd Lieutenant; 2nd Degree to 1st Lieutenant; 3rd Dan equals Captain; 4th Dan is the beginning of administrational duties and is equivalent to Major; 5th Degree equals Colonel. There are no ranks above 5th Dan in the field. Post your rank accordingly.
This is a FREE service of DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts.
Neither YUDANSHA INTERNATIONAL nor DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts, nor any of their subsidiaries nor agents assumes any responsibility for the validity of these advertisements, nor the quality of service. But, we have found that given an opportunity most martial artists can rise to the occasion and perform well above even their own expectations.
This is a serious offer and not to be taken lightly. As of this time The United States of America is at war. There will be many calls for services that can be provided by martial artists because, as Bruce Lee said, "We have forged our bodies in the fire of our will." And, as Master Han said to Kwai Chang Caine when he left the Shaolin Temple, "You have grown much and learned many new skills that make you superior to others you will encounter in the world. The wise man walks with his head bowed, humble as the dust." How we use those skills is the measure and the adventure that is our lives.
This conflict will pass. All things do. But, it marks the beginning of a new age of peace and harmony, ushered in by the inevitable chaos of the times against which men can do nothing. Our duty then, is to help our fellow man. Change is inevitable. But, it is the nature of life to grow and adapt to the evolving environment.
Therefore, justice will prevail.
Just a matter of time.
Ashida Kim -The DOJO
Autumnal Equinox, 5th Year of the Snake
22 September 2001

Marco Colbertaldo
I am the Founder of Tactical Escape Training, a Spiritual Guide and 4th Dan black belt of Taiho Jutsu, a scholar of Shinobi Jutsu as well as.
T.E.T - Tactical Escape Training is a physical, psychological, and spiritual training system that aims to achieve the following objectives:
1 - Acquire the ability to prevent, manage, and escape from potentially dangerous situations even without the use of physical force.
2 - Physical, mental and spiritual growth; we are not only body, but mind, and spirit too
The T.E.T is divided into three areas of study:
1 - Physical, energetic, and psychological self-defense
2 - GODAI Training*
3 - Spiritual growth
*GODAI is a special form of training based on the five elements, earth, water, fire, wind and void.
Each element is connected to all the others and for each of them a specific physical, psychological, and spiritual training is provided.
By identifying the most pressing issues in the self defense field, and the training gaps associated with them, I can create and deliver high-quality training, which will lead one to be able to prevent, avoid and handle any dangerous situation
To Shin Temple
Blackwolf's Freestyle Martial Arts Academy
Owner/Chief Instructor: Soke Chris J. MacDonald, PhD- Judan, Ken Nin Ka Jitsu Do;
Founder/Director Greenways Metaphysical Institute; Member of the Koga Brotherhood; Master Mason-Grand Lodge of Missouri;
Old Pine Tree Method of Unity and Self Discipline
Rev. Dr Christopher J. Bashaw, RN, sensei; Soke- Kosho Hoho Yooga a or
Tree Method of Unity and Self Discipline,” a blending of Kosho Ryu Kempo and Tai Chi. Kosho Hoho Yooga takes the traditional teachings
of the
Japanese Warrior monk of 1235 AD (true self-defense, healing and spiritual arts) and makes it applicable for the 21st century. Sensei Bashaw
holds Black
Belt ranking in both Shaolin Kempo Karate, Mugei-Mumei no Jitsu as well as certification in Yang style Tai Chi. He is and has also been a
Nurse for over 2 decades (both miliatary and civilian). Over the last 20 years he has become certified as a Reiki Master/ Teacher
developing his own
system of Reiki, Kokoro Ryu Reiki System of Natural Healing, as well as taking vows as a Buddhist Priest and holds a Doctorates in
Divinity. He is also a
practitioner of western herbalism, internal and external chi kung healing, and shamanic practice. He is also a member of the
Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
Christopher is also on the advisory board for AIANE (Asian Internal Arts of New England). Bashaw, sensei is also a CNFT
(Certified Natural Fitness
TrainerTM). Bashaw sensei is available for seminars and private instruction in the spiritual, healing and martial arts of
Hoho Yooga.
Mizu Tama Dojo
E-mail to: master_tenbu@yahoo.com
Shen Lung Yi Martial Arts(570)961-3254 Owner/Chief Instructor: Ian Prescott , Scranton, PA Xing yi quan, Ba gua, Tai chi, Liu He Ba Fa, Koga Ninjitsu, Esoteric Qi gong, Private Security/Bodyguard experience and consultation, self defense, fitness, and weapons. shifu@shenlungyi.com
Sensei Mark Cody, DOJO, Lake Alfred FL 33850 USA; 5th Dan Wado-Ryu Karate-Do; Swordsmith & Batto-Jitsuist; Author & Scholar; Offers Specialized Live On-Site Instruction with the DOJO Directory and Training Program procedure. Classes with Sensei Kim by Appointment E-mail: bushido@tampabay.rr.com
Sensei Efrain Ortiz, Self-Protection for Patriots – 40 years Martial Art Experience: 6th Dan Black Belt Kempo-Ninjitsu; 4th Dan Black Belt, Kosho Shorei Kempo; Certified Teacher, Chi Lin Pai Kung Fu; Black Belt, TKD; Education: Dr. of Christian Education; Master of Close Protection, Lion Private Investigation Academy; Offers private and small group instruction in Santa Clara County, CA ephrainortiz@gmail.com
Sensei Steve Williams, Black Dragon Society of Texarkana, founder of Roninkai Dojo; Black Belt Koga HaiLungRyu Ninjitsu; Black Belt Dragon Kenpo Karate; Certified U.S. Marine Corps Hand-to-Hand Combat / Knife Fighting Instructor; Marine Corps Infantry training; other training includes: Tiger Kung Fu, Okinawa-Te Karate, Isshinryu Karate, Jujutsu, American Combat Judo, and Guerrilla Warfare. Services Offered: Counter-Stalking Measures, Women's Self Defense, Militia Training, Unarmed Combat, Knife Fighting Instruction, Stalking Methods and Sentry Neutralization Instruction, and Espionage (both physical and electronic methods). AGENTS AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY. Contact: The Sensei, 870-779-1954, RoninkaiDojo@aol.com, (physical address withheld for security purposes).
Shihan- K. Cain 5th degree black belt- Koga Tenchi Ryu Ninjutsu, 5th degree black belt American Combat Ninjutsu, 4th degree black belt Ju-Jitsu, 3rd degree black belt Kenpo Ju-Jitsu, Mauy Thai kickboxer, CQC self-defense instructor, black belt member of the Black Dragon Ninja Society, co-founder Sasori Neko Ryu Goshin-Jitsu Silat Association & founder of American Combat Science Society. For more information on Shihan Cain please visit: http://www.combatninjutsu.com/
Sensei Daniel Sainty P.O.Box 650, Bondi Dojo, Sydney, Australia Bondi Dojo
Sensei Johnie Waddell, Founder A.M.D.L.; Studying martial arts for 15 years; Teaching Experience; Lots of Security Experience; Executive Protection Experience; U.S. Army veteran; Tactical and Covert Operations; 501 Hwy 54 Byp. Apt. B-12 Carrboro, NC 27510; 919-928-9530
To all in Shadow,
After many years of training and seeking, I am now opening a school to share what I have learned as well
learn myself from those who come to study with me. I offer both classes and one-on-one training. The Silent way to me is a spiritual path that
the handling of its power teaches the warrior about himself and the greater cosmos around him. I teach both armed and unarmed aspects of the
Way, along
with the full gambit of the shadows warrior Traditional path. With emphasis on the development of the spiritual power of the student my
school provides
the tools by which the warrior may overcome any blockage along ones chosen path. My ryu is desended from the Black Dragon Koga ryu
headed by Grandmaster
Ashida Kim for those who wish to be sure of my roots in the path. My Dojo is called The Komuso Ryu, komuso
meaning "monk of the void."
All those in the Baton Rouge area who seek to learn and share in the path are welcome.
Yours in Shadow,
Aben Ozra
E-Mail: abenozra@aol.com